Data Science Blog

September 07, 2023

Data Science Blog

Over the summer of 2023, I completed my Master of Public Health, with a concentration in epidemiology and biostatistics. My existing site has a projects section, which I hope to keep more personal and design related. However, I need a space to share thoughts on data science, epidemiology, and public health.

Rather than re-tooling and updating the existing code I built with to handle a blog and hosting R/Python and other interactive visualizations from the ground up, I decided to use Quarto. Building out filtering/sorting and updating my Gatsby version while still ensuring my netlify CMS and other integrations (cloudinary) still worked seemed a bit daunting.

Quarto is an exciting, new-ish development from posit allowing data scientists to more readily share their work in a consistent, streamlined fashion. Their docs and example sites are quite robust and easy to follow, so it only took a little bit of configuring and setting up a blog subdomain to get a barebones blog launched. I'm exciting to begin sharing more of my thoughts and analyses there, focused on data science and epidemiology.